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Nachan's Special Dish

book publication

product design

digital drawing
An activity book targeting for international readers including children from age 4 to 8 years-old and their relatives to create quality time and enhance a better relationship between the readers through the story of Japanese food culture.
This project included a book with 32 pages and 2 packs of playing equipment. The whole set is produced by all paper base material.
The story is about a one day food journey of a son and his father, Luke and Daniel. They meet their Japanese host family, Uncle Kunikun and his granddaughter, Nachan. It is the summertime in Japan and Japanese people love to eat cold noodle dishes to help them cool down and feel refresh. The readers will encounter two activities which includes both interaction and teamwork.  There will be props to play along in each activity. For instances, ingredient checklists and ingredient papers for searching game when go grocery shopping, plates and ingredient papers for cutting and decorating their own dishes.
These activities encourage the readers display their creativity. Interacting, talking, reading, and conducting fun activities together can be efficient ways for parents and children to share a positive experience and these small moments can gain momentum to create stronger connections. Telling about Japanese food culture through unique illustrated pictures with use of child-appropriate language, characters, stories and activities encourage and model positive interaction between potential readers.
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